Friday, January 14, 2011

Ethical and Legal Aspects of Unmanned Systems. Interviews

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Ethical and Legal Aspects of Unmanned Systems. Interviews

Gerhard Dabringer (ed.)
Ethical and Legal Aspects of Unmanned Systems. Interviews
Austrian Ministry of Defence and Sports
Vienna 2010
ISBN: 978-3-902761-04-0

To obtain a complimentary copy write to:

Institut für Religion und Frieden
Fasangartengasse 101, Objekt VII
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It is also available as a pdf in our download section:


John Canning, Gerhard Dabringer: Ethical Challenges of Unmanned Systems
Colin Allen: Morality and Artificial Intelligence
George Bekey: Robots and Ethic
Noel Sharkey: Moral and Legal Aspects of Military Robots
Armin Krishnan: Ethical and Legal Challenges
Peter W. Singer: The Future of War
Robert Sparrow: The Ethical Challenges of Military Robots
Peter Asaro: Military Robots and Just War Theory
Jürgen Altmann: Uninhabited Systems and Arms Control
Gianmarco Veruggio, Fiorella Operto: Ethical and societal guidelines for Robotics
Ronald C. Arkin: Governing Lethal Behaviour
John P. Sullins: Aspects of Telerobotic Systems
Roger F. Gay: A Developer’s Perspective
